Everybody who does business wants to be someone their client’s trust. The highest levels of trust are becoming more and more uncommon. We have lost so much trust in just about every type of business, politician, institution and even our closest relationships.
In my business, I aspire to build the kind of trust that is becoming more and more uncommon. Some professions have a built-in trust like doctors and religious leaders…. unfortunately I can’t seem to name many others. When it gets down to a personal level, we tend to have more trust in them than in the institutions they come from. We dislike all politicians except our own, we dislike all attorneys except our own, we dislike the insurance industry except our own, we love our local policemen and teachers but not as much on a national level. I could go on and on but I want to focus on the uncommon professional I want to become.
I came across someone who helped me understand the kind of professional I wanted to be. It was very hard to verbalize but afterward, I said to myself, that is what I’m aspiring to be and I hope other professionals want to try to do as well.
Jack is a dad with kids at OSU and his kids are involved in cheer, dance and Brutus. He hosts a tailgate at every home game and, needless to say, it has become a major project. If it’s a noon game, he is up at 4:30 am to arrive no later than 6:00 to set up tables, organize breakfast, set up tents, get supplies and ice, all for hundreds of families and kids that show up and enjoy it. He has friends who help but a lot more just show up and take everything for granted. He is the first to say how much he loves seeing everyone enjoy themselves and never asks for anything from anybody. The teams try to get parents involved to raise a little money because somebody has to pay, do the work. Jack says that he wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’m not sure how many years he’s been doing it but he says he will as long as he can.
Many of us beg him to let us help and we do a little set up and clean up but there is always more to do. Jack says that there is a venmo that goes to the conglomerate of dance, cheer and Brutus, but he said shyly, it will get better used if you just send it to me. Because I trust Jack, I don’t think twice about the money going to the right place.
I trust Jack.
I trust Jack because he walks the walk, he gets up early, he does the set up, he buys the ice when they are short. He’s been doing this for years and does so many things nobody ever sees.
I want to be the Jack of real estate agents. I don’t want to be the faceless Zillow agent. I am the agent who cleans up the house when my elderly seller can’t. I want to be the agent who you call when you need a trusted electrician and like last week, I want to be the agent you invite to your daughter’s wedding. I’ve been working on it for 34 years but I will never rest on my track record because I know it only takes one bad experience to lose it all. I aspire to be your trusted real estate agent. I want to be a Jack.